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aggiungi al carrello (cod: 9788899200367)
cartaceo, ISBN 9788899200367
aggiungi al carrello (cod: 9788899200374)
PDF 1.7 MB, ISBN 9788899200374
aggiungi al carrello (cod: 9788899200374)
EPUB 570.1 KB, ISBN 9788899200374
Vittorio Valli
The Economic Rise of China and India
The last decades have witnessed the spectacular rise of two great Asian economies: China and India.
China has moved first. Since 1978 sweeping economic reforms have radically transformed the country. China has grown at a historically unprecedented high rate of growth and has conquered an important share of the world market and a relevant position in foreign direct investment. The book analyses the main determinants and the weaknesses of China’s process of very rapid growth. Great attention is given to structural changes, to the importance of the insertion in the third wave of the fordist model of growth and in the globalization process, to the deepening of income inequalities, to the rising social, environmental and demographic problems.
India has begun its process of rapid growth almost fifteen years later than China. Though very high, its average rate of growth has been lower than that in China. In its period of rapid growth India has introduced weighty reforms, liberalizing external trade and investment and reducing the regulations in the internal market. Though important and accompanied by sizable structural changes, India’s period of rapid growth has not solved the deepest social problems in the country. It has created a modernized larger middle class, but limited in size with respect to total population. The crucial divide between the informal and the formal economy and the different castes, ethnic groups, languages, religions, has limited the inclusiveness of the growth process.
The final chapter of the book is devoted to a brief, but revealing comparative analysis of China’s and India’s economies in their periods of rapid growth.
anno di pubblicazione 2015
pp. 160
ISBN cartaceo 9788899200367
ISBN pdf 9788899200374
ISBN epub 9788899200374
Emeritus professor of Economic Policy at Turin University.
He taught at Bocconi and at the Universities of Padua and Turin. He was visiting professor at the Universities of Kyoto, Roskilde, Nice and at Seoul National University and visiting scholar at Berkeley and Brown. He teaches “Comparative economic development” at Turin University. He was the fist president of AISSEC (the Italian Association for the study of Comparative Economic Systems) and EACES (The European Association for Comparative Economic Studies). He is the co-director of the “European Journal of Comparative economics” and of OEET (the Turin Center on Emerging Economies).