anno di pubblicazione 2022
pp. 204
ISBN cartaceo 9791280136909
ISBN pdf 9791280136916
Over the last ten years, Albania has undergone rapid development, becoming a well-recognised tourist destination within the Mediterranean region. Tourism represents one of the most significant opportunities for the country and – at the same time – a challenge for a developing nation and emerging economy – especially if we take into account an isolationist period of more than forty years during the social-communist dictatorship. This book aims to provide a base for discussion about the impact of tourism on the Albanian territory – firstly from a historical point of view, and secondly to observe a specific case study and analyse its impact. This book is a journey to Albania, looking at architecture, explorations, and landscapes from the traveller’s perspective. Inevitably this will include other academic fields, such as geography, history, and spatial planning, and will also recognise the contested Italian influence as an additional layer of complexity in Albania’s 20th century.
Enrico Porfido, is a PhD Architect and Urban Planner with a Master in Urban Studies. His research focuses on the relationship between tourism, landscape and local communities. Former lecturer at Universiteti Polis in Tirana, he is now based in Barcelona where he teaches at ostelea Tourism School, CETT – Barcelona School of Tourism, and the Fundació Politecnica de Barcelona.
Giuseppe Resta, is Assistant Professor of Architecture at Yeditepe University (TR). He previously held teaching positions at Bilkent University (TR), Politecnico di Bari (IT) and Polis University (AL). He is owner and curator of Antilia Gallery (IT) and co-founder of the architecture think tank PROFFERLO (ITUK). His latest book is Jean-Christophe Quinton (Libria, 2021).
Unfolding layers of the history of leisure in the Mediterranean: the Albanian riviera?
Maria Goula
- The history of Albanian tourism
A century of tourism policies and their effects on the territory
Albania’s tourism through the lenses of Italian expeditions and scientific travels
- The catalogue of Albanian tourism landscapes
The Albanian tourist landscapes in comparison
The impact of tourism on the coasts of Southern Albania
Thin Red Lines: drawing Albanian tourism landscapes
Carlos Machado e Moura