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aggiungi al carrello (cod: 9788899982768)
PDF 124.2 KB, ISBN 9788899982768
Proceedings of the Fourth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2017 11-12 December 2017, Rome
a cura di Roberto Basili, Malvina Nissim, Giorgio Satta

collana Collana dell'Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale
anno di pubblicazione 2017
pp. 354
ISBN pdf 9788899982768
DOI 10.4000/books.aaccademia.2314

This book presents the proceedings of the annual Conference of Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it), which aims to provide a forum for discussion in the field of computational linguistics. The proceedings include interventions on the automatic treatment of language, with theoretical and methodological reflections on the subject, and provide an important contribution to this field of research. The other main topics are: computational linguistics, linguistics, cognitive sciences, automatic learning, computer science, knowledge representation, information retrieval and digital humanities. The organization of the conference is the result of the effort of the Italian Association of Computational Linguistics (AILC http://www.ai-lc.it/), represented every year by some of the organizing members, who are also affiliated to other organizations operating in the field of computational linguistics.

Roberto Basili, Università di Roma Tor Vergata.

University of Groningen, The Netherlands
University of Padua

Amore, I verbi neologici nell’italiano del web: comportamento sintattico e selezione dell’ausiliare

pdf 487.8 KB

CLICIT2017-01 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-01)

Barlacchi-Lepri-Moschitti, Predicting Land Use of Italian Cities using Structural Semantic Models

pdf 171.7 KB

CLICIT2017-02 0,00
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A.Basile-Caselli-Nissim, Predicting Controversial News Using Facebook Reactions

pdf 133.2 KB

CLICIT2017-03 0,00
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P.Basile-Semeraro-Cassotti, Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF for Italian Sequence Labeling

pdf 193.2 KB

CLICIT2017-04 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-04)

Basili-Bellomaria-Bugge et al., Monitoring Adolescents’ Distress using Social Web data as a Source: the InsideOut Project

pdf 383 KB

CLICIT2017-05 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-05)

Bianchini-Tarasconi-Ventaglio et al., “Gimme the Usual” - How Handling of Pragmatics Improves Chatbots

pdf 129.3 KB

CLICIT2017-06 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-06)

Bizzoni-Senaldi-Lenci, Deep-learning the Ropes: Modeling Idiomaticity with Neural Networks

pdf 121.9 KB

CLICIT2017-07 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-07)

Bonadiman-Castellucci-Favalli et al., Neural Sentiment Analysis for a Real-World Application

pdf 133.3 KB

CLICIT2017-08 0,00
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Bondielli-Passaro-Lenci, Emo2Val: Inferring Valence Scores from fine-grained Emotion Values

pdf 279.9 KB

CLICIT2017-09 0,00
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Bourgonje-Grishina-Stede, Toward a bilingual lexical database on connectives: Exploiting a German/Italian parallel corpus

pdf 575.5 KB

CLICIT2017-10 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-10)

Brambilla-Croce-Tamburini et al., Developing a large scale FrameNet for Italian: the IFrameNet experience

pdf 456.4 KB

CLICIT2017-11 0,00
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Budassi-Litta-Passarotti, -io Nouns through the Ages. Analysing Latin Morphological Productivity with Lemlat

pdf 157.7 KB

CLICIT2017-12 0,00
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Busso-Vignozzi, Gender stereotypes in film language: a corpus-assisted analysis

pdf 937 KB

CLICIT2017-13 0,00
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Cardillo-Ferro-Marzi et al., How “deep” is learning word inflection?

pdf 184 KB

CLICIT2017-14 0,00
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Cerezo Costas - Martín-Vicente - Gonzalez-Castano, Tree LSTMs for Learning Sentence Representations

pdf 142.5 KB

CLICIT2017-15 0,00
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Cervone-Stepanov-Celli et al., Irony Detection: from the Twittersphere to the News Space

pdf 127.9 KB

CLICIT2017-16 0,00
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Chesi, Phase-based Minimalist Parsing and complexity in non-local dependencies

pdf 469.4 KB

CLICIT2017-17 0,00
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Cignarella-Bosco-Patti, TWITTIRO‘ a Social Media Corpus with a Multi-layered Annotation for Irony

pdf 200.8 KB

CLICIT2017-18 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-18)

Cimino-Wieling-Dell’Orletta et al., Identifying Predictive Features for Textual Genre Classification: the Key Role of Syntax

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CLICIT2017-19 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-19)

Combei, CorAIt – A Non-native Speech Database for Italian

pdf 458.5 KB

CLICIT2017-20 0,00
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Conte-Bosco-Mazzei, Dealing with Italian Adjectives in Noun Phrase: a study oriented to Natural Language Generation

pdf 139.2 KB

CLICIT2017-21 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-21)

De Martino-Mancuso-Laudanna, Variabili rilevanti nella rappresentazione delle parole nel lessico mentale: dati psicolinguistici da una banca-dati di Nomi e Verbi italiani

pdf 237.5 KB

CLICIT2017-22 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-22)

Della Moretta-Feltracco-Jezek et al., Tagging Semantic Types for Verb Argument Positions

pdf 115.1 KB

CLICIT2017-23 0,00
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Di Buono-Snajder, Linguistic Features and Newsworthiness: an Analysis of News style

pdf 138.8 KB

CLICIT2017-24 0,00
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Di Gangi-Federico, Can Monolingual Embeddings Improve Neural Machine Translation?

pdf 170.2 KB

CLICIT2017-25 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-25)

Di Mauro-Origlia-Cutugno, Distributed Processes for Spoken Questions and Commands Understanding

pdf 144 KB

CLICIT2017-26 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-26)

Di Nunzio-Beghini-Vezzani et al., A Reproducible Approach with R Markdown to Automatic Classification of Medical Certificates in French

pdf 129 KB

CLICIT2017-27 0,00
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Feltracco-Magnini-Jezek, Contrast-Ita Bank: A corpus for Italian Annotated with Discourse Contrast Relations

pdf 126.4 KB

CLICIT2017-28 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-28)

Frenda, Ironic gestures and tones in Twitter

pdf 279.9 KB

CLICIT2017-29 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-29)

Giachanou-Rangel-Crestani et al., Emerging Sentiment Language Model for Emotion Detection

pdf 246.5 KB

CLICIT2017-30 0,00
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Giovannetti-Albanesi-Bellandi et al., Stylometry in Computer-Assisted Translation: Experiments on the Babylonian Talmud

pdf 182.2 KB

CLICIT2017-31 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-31)

Hernández Farías-Laganà-Patti et al., Towards an Italian Lexicon for Polarity Classification (polarITA): a Comparative Analysis of Lexical Resources for Sentiment Analysis

pdf 125.7 KB

CLICIT2017-32 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-32)

Lakew-Di Gangi-Federico, Multilingual Neural Machine Translation for Low Resource Languages

pdf 128 KB

CLICIT2017-33 0,00
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Laudanna-Bracco, Stem and fragment priming on verbal forms of Italian

pdf 245.8 KB

CLICIT2017-34 0,00
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Lombardo-Damiano-Pizzo, Metadata annotation for dramatic texts

pdf 660.1 KB

CLICIT2017-35 0,00
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Masotti-Croce-Basili, Deep Learning for Automatic Image Captioning in poor Training Conditions

pdf 988.5 KB

CLICIT2017-36 0,00
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Micheli-Litta, E pluribus unum. Representing compounding in a derivational lexicon of Latin

pdf 136.5 KB

CLICIT2017-37 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-37)

Minard-Speranza-Qwaider et al., Sanremo’s winner is... Category-driven Selection Strategies for Active Learning

pdf 120 KB

CLICIT2017-38 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-38)

Mirto-Cipolla, DallaWord Sense Disambiguation alla Sintassi: il Problema dell’Articolo Partitivo in Italiano

pdf 188.8 KB

CLICIT2017-39 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-39)

Monti-di Buono-Sangati, PARSEME-It Corpus An annotated Corpus of Verbal Multiword Expressions in Italian

pdf 325.7 KB

CLICIT2017-40 0,00
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Nissim-Pietrandrea, MODAL: A multilingual corpus annotated for modality

pdf 278.6 KB

CLICIT2017-41 0,00
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Pannitto-Salicchi-Lenci, AHyDA: Automatic Hypernym Detection with feature Augmentation

pdf 189 KB

CLICIT2017-42 0,00
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Passaro-Lenci-Gabbolini, INFORMed PA: A NER for the Italian Public Administration Domain

pdf 160.3 KB

CLICIT2017-43 0,00
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Pelosi-Maisto-Vitale et al., Mining Offensive Language on Social Media

pdf 178.7 KB

CLICIT2017-44 0,00
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Piersanti-Brandetti-Failla, Automatic Evaluation of Employee Satisfaction

pdf 457 KB

CLICIT2017-45 0,00
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Poletto-Stranisci-Sanguinetti et al., Hate Speech Annotation: Analysis of an Italian Twitter Corpus

pdf 120.2 KB

CLICIT2017-46 0,00
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Puccinelli-Demartini-Piatti et al., PoS Taggers in the Wild: A Case Study with Swiss Italian Student Essays

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CLICIT2017-47 0,00
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Qwaider-Minard-Speranza et al., Find Problems before They Find You with AnnotatorPro’s Monitoring Functionalities

pdf 296 KB

CLICIT2017-48 0,00
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Ravelli-Gregori-Feltracco, Evaluating a rule based strategy to map IMAGACT, T-PAS

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CLICIT2017-49 0,00
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Rovera-Nanni-Ponzetto et al., Domain-specific Named Entity Disambiguation in Historical Memoirs

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CLICIT2017-50 0,00
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Salomoni, Toward a Treebank Collecting German Aesthetic Writings of the Late 18th Century

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CLICIT2017-51 0,00
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Scansani-Federico-Bentivogli, Assessing the Use of Terminology in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation for Academic Course Catalogues Translation

pdf 121 KB

CLICIT2017-52 0,00
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Sprugnoli-Tonelli-Moretti et al., A little bit of bella pianura: Detecting Code-Mixing in Historical English Travel Writing

pdf 166.5 KB

CLICIT2017-53 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-53)

Sucameli-Lenci, PARAD-it: Eliciting Italian Paradigmatic Relations with Crowdsourcing

pdf 958.4 KB

CLICIT2017-54 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-54)

Tonelli-Palmero Aprosio-Mazzon, The impact of phrases on Italian lexical simplification

pdf 121.1 KB

CLICIT2017-55 0,00
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Tripodi-Li Pira, Analysis of ItalianWord Embeddings

pdf 259.7 KB

CLICIT2017-56 0,00
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Unguendoli-Cristadoro-Beghelli, Applicazione di un metodo attribuzionistico quantitativo alla monodia liturgica medievale

pdf 373.8 KB

CLICIT2017-57 0,00
aggiungi al carrello (cod: CLICIT2017-57)

Uva-Storch-Carrino et al., Commercial Applications through Community Question Answering Technology

pdf 124.2 KB

CLICIT2017-58 0,00
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